Article | 8/3/2023
Barriers to gBRCA Testing in High-Risk HER2-Negative Early Breast Cancer
Journal of Personalized Medicine
By Olivia Foroughi, Shaheen Madraswala, Jennifer Hayes, Kara Glover, Liam Lee, Moumita Chaki,
Stella Redpath, Agnes Weixuan Yu, David Chiu, Kristen Garner Amanti et al.
Health Advances is excited to share our recent manuscript published in the Journal of Personalized Medicine in collaboration with AstraZeneca and Merck. This first of its kind study compares perspectives on the barriers to gBRCA testing in the United States across stakeholders in the patient journey, and highlights misalignment between stakeholders surrounding guidelines and definitions, resulting in a lack of full access to critical testing and #precisionmedicine. This work offers an opportunity for stakeholders to better align on eligibility to improve patient outcomes in the US.
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