Diabetes & Metabolics

As some of the world’s most prevalent conditions, diabetes and its comorbidities continue to place significant burden on healthcare systems. The therapeutic area has seen renewed innovation across pharmaceutical, medtech, and digital sectors—from the first disease-modifying therapy for Type 1 Diabetes, to meaningful improvements in artificial pancreas systems, to pioneering AI-/digital-driven disease management platforms. The field receives strong public and payer scrutiny, so innovators across sectors need to demonstrate differentiating impact on patient outcomes.

 At Health Advances, our Diabetes and Metabolics practice leaders bring strong cross-sector experience, having advised companies for over 30 years on innovations ranging from disease modifying immunotherapies, to disruptive pump solutions, to cutting-edge digital platforms. We can help companies think through the broader ecosystem and solution value for their products and related early development, business development, and go-to-market strategies.

Diabetes and Metabolics Engagements
External Diabetes and Metabolics Experts in Our Network

Proprietary Global Diabetes Market Model

And other dedicated Metabolic staff and resources


Diabetes & Metabolics Case Studies

Faced with increasing global competition for its diabetes business, our client engaged us to develop a turnaround strategy to drive business growth. We collaborated closely with local client teams in Europe and Asia to examine business challenges, and we conducted in-field research with local physicians, budget holders, and industry experts to diagnose market pressures and identify leverage points for our client. After developing strategies based on these evaluations, we then estimated the financial implications of different initiatives. We provided recommendations to drive sustainable growth in the short- and long-term and gained internal alignment on the strategy.

Health Advances supported an early-stage company in the cell regeneration space to prepare an investor presentation. Our team worked closely with the client to articulate the value proposition behind its technology, key differentiation from competitive platforms, and the development path to value inflection points. The client used our evaluation directly in discussions with potential investors.

A mid-sized biotech company engaged Health Advances to prioritize additional metabolic indications for two small molecule programs in early clinical development. Our team led a prioritization exercise and contextualized the analysis with a scenario-based framework anchored on upcoming phase I/II trial readouts. The client used our recommendations to inform internal R&D planning as well as partnership strategies.

 A small biotech company needed to assess lifecycle management opportunities for their lead product in obesity. Our team focused the initial phase of analysis on the identification, profiling, and assessment of the five most significant applications. Following a strategy session with the company’s management team, we then focused on market development strategies. The final phase detailed strategic imperatives for successful label and market expansion.

Health Advances helped a leading global biopharma company define its digital health strategy in type 2 diabetes. The team identified key pain points for type 2 diabetes patients and health care providers, identified potential opportunities to address those needs via digital solutions, and prioritized opportunities for the client based on a range of factors. The resulting business plan provided a roadmap for the company and guided its digital investments.


Diabetes & Metabolics Leadership

Sheela Hegde

Sheela Hegde

Managing Partner and Global Head

Biotech & Pharmaceuticals Investors

Diabetes & Metabolics, Allergy & Immunology, Cardiovascular, Drug Delivery Devices

Balazs Felcsuti

Balazs Felcsuti


Biotech & Pharmaceuticals Investors

Allergy & Immunology, Cardiovascular, Contract Pharma Services, Diabetes & Metabolics